1336 Pennsylvania Ave Weirton WV 26062 US
We hope you'll find the information you need on this site about our company and the products and services we provide. We look forward to working with you.
Our company strives to provide efficient solutions to businesses and individuals. Our primary services include equipment rentals, tool rentals, and party rentals. We also offer a host of specialty services to cater to the unique needs of our customers. Our staff helps serve a wide range of individuals, corporations, partnerships, and non-profit organizations with all their rental needs. We are professionals in small engine repair and diagnostic issues.
Our partners offer the benefits of years of experience gained from previous positions. We are an equal opportunity employer and we are proud members of the following organizations:
Weirton Chamber of Commerce, and the A.R.A
Weirton Rental Center Inc. party rentals wedding rentals and equipment rentals Weirton Rental Center Inc. small engine repair
Our business was established in 1987, and we pride ourselves on providing customers with high-quality products and personal service. Our office is located in the panhandle of Northern WV making it convenient for Ohio and Pennsylvania customers as well.
Providing good service means taking the time to listen. We will work with you every step of the way to make sure you receive the services you need.